Somewhere in Time

I once heard someone compare God’s view of time to what we see during an ariel view of the Macy’s Day Parade.  They explained that as participants in time, that would be us presently…we know that time exists and that it is in motion.  Moving forward. But, we can’t see the beginning or the end.


However, from God’s perspective he can see everything.  He can see all the twists and turns and stops from beginning to end .  More importantly, he can see all the participants and what they are doing.


Time has always fascinated me!  I’ve always loved shows about time travel.  Good grief!  Throw in a  love story and I’m hooked!  I’m just saying….have you seen Somewhere In Time?  Great movie.


God created time!  He just didn’t throw it out there and say…”let there be time.”  He cares more than that.  He made it eternal.  He divided it into day and night, winter, spring, summer and fall.   He molded it into perfection.


And as I see prophecy coming to fulfillment before my very eyes, everyday on the news, I know that we are living in a perilous time.  In end times.  I’ve heard people say…”Oh they said that when my grandparents were little” or “they are always fighting in the middle east.”    Be still and remember this…

 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentence.

2 Peter 3:9

Isn’t that beautiful?!  The Lord is not slack!!  Time is eternal.  That is true.  Just not our time on earth.  That will end.  He is longsuffering.  Why?  So that when our time on earth is over…we do not die in sin…as sinners.  He is waiting for everyone to repent of their sin and find life eternal and spend forever in the presence of God.


One way or another our time on earth will end.  When it does, we will be judged, rewarded and shown to our eternal home.  Are you ready?



Love and Prayers~

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